Registration Is Now Open for the 2022-23 School Year at Gte Ga Nes Preschool

Registration is now open for the 2022-23 school year at Gte Ga Nes Preschool. If you child turns 3-years old before September 1st, regester them to start classes this fall. You will need an up-to-date immunization record and a current wellness exam completed. Applications are available at the school or call the school and we can email you a copy. Class sizes are limited so get your application in as soon as possible.

Roads Qualtrics Survey – Tribal Membership

This link will take you directly to the survey where the membership have the ability to rate all tribal roads, and make any comment or concern they have with tribal roads.

Speed Humps

After snow plowing is done and weather permits, speed humps will be placed on some of the residential streets in Stone Lake and Carter to improve safety and slow down traffic.

Youth & Adult Boxing Club

Train hard, create discipline and respect, and learn from Professional Box Mark Daniels, Jr.

New Research Services

Search billions of records, obituaries, military, immigration, census records and more.