A Storm’s A-Brewin’

Here in northern Wisconsin, we have experienced our own extreme weather disasters, including the July 2016 storm that dumped 8-10 inches of rain in 8 hours.

Too Much Gas

Carbon dioxide (CO₂) and other gases such as methane (CH₄), and nitrous oxide (N₂O) gases are a few of the chemicals in the air that prevent heat from leaving the earth’s atmosphere and return to space.

We Are Back!!

Forest County Potawatomi Public Transit is Back!!! To schedule a ride, call Transit Dispatch at 715-478-4779.

Weather Or Climate – Which Is It?

Many of us use the terms “weather” and“ climate” interchangeably, and while they may seem identical, there is a significant difference between them.

Climate Change

What do you know? Are you ready? FCP Natural Resources is looking for your thoughts and personal observations on climate change. Your input is VERY important to us!

PBDC Board Member Position

As directed by the Executive Council, the Potawatomi Business Development Corporation (“PBDC”) Board Member will support the work of the PBDC and provide mission-based leadership and strategic governance.